[All] UKFN bulletin, w/e 06/10/2022
UK Fluids Network
info at fluids.ac.uk
Thu Oct 6 13:29:21 BST 2022
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Thursday noon of each week. Please let us know if you no longer require
an advertisement.
FROM: Ignazio Maria Viola
SUBJECT: UKFN Thesis Prize - 2023 and beyond
We would like to remind you that since June 2022 Internal and External
Examiners can nominate a PhD candidate for the UKFN Prize for the best
UK Fluids thesis at any time of the year.
The thesis must be for a doctoral degree in fluids-related research
awarded by a UK institution. Examiners can submit the nomination to
competition at fluids.ac.uk as soon as the PhD examination has taken place:
a citation of 300-500 words is required from each Examiner together with
brief details of the candidate and their thesis. Full details are given
here [1]. The winner of the Award receives a prize of £500, and
(programme permitting) will be invited to present their work at the UK
Fluids Conference.
Nominations for theses examined in 2022 will be entered in the 2023
competition, and must be submitted at any time before 1st March 2023.
The winner will be announced by 31st May 2023.
FROM: Rasool Erfani, Manchester Metropolitan University, 29/09/2022
SUBJECT: Special Issue 'Flow Control Actuators and Their Diverse Fluid
Dynamic Applications'
DEADLINE: 20/01/2023
DETAILS: Most studies involving flow control tend to focus on the
understanding of flow physics caused by devices and on the optimization
of the performances of these devices. In addition to aerodynamics, these
actuators have been used for different settings. We invite investigators
to contribute original research articles and review articles addressing
flow control actuators that facilitate advances in aircraft use or
introduce new horizons for their applications. More information may be
found here [2].
FROM: Ignazio Maria Viola, University of Edinburgh
SUBJECT: Call for manuscripts - Scientific Reports collection on
Biofluid Dynamics
DETAILS: On behalf of Dr David Murphy, I would like to remind you of a
special collection on Biofluid Dynamics in Scientific Reports. The
deadline for submission is 31/12/2022, and the link to submit a
manuscript is here [3].
FROM: Helen Freeman, Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics, 06/10/2022
SUBJECT: Workshop 'Data-driven methods in fluid mechanics'
DATE: 12-13 December 2022
DETAILS: This conference, hosted by Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics,
is devoted to the discussion of data-driven methods in all branches of
fluid dynamics for a range of applications. Contributed presentations
(talks and posters) will be accepted on both methods/algorithms and
applications. More info on the conference and how to submit an abstract
for a presentation are here [4]. Abstract deadline is 30/10/2022. You
can now book for this event by following this link [5].
FROM: Marinos Manolesos, City, University of London, 04/10/2022
SUBJECT: Data Driven Fluid Mechanics Seminar, In person and online
DATE: 19 October 2022, 13:00-15:00
DETAILS: Three talks on Data Driven Fluid Mechanics by esteemed guests,
followed by a round table discussion. More info, including registration,
here [6] and Teams link here [7].
13:00 - 'Modelling and Controlling Turbulent Flows Through Deep
_ Dr Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH Royal Institute of Technology_
13:30 - 'Challenges and Opportunities for Machine Learning in Fluid
_ Dr Miguel A. Mendez, von Karman Institute for Fluid
14:00 - 'Physics-constrained Machine Learning in Extreme Fluids'
_ Dr Luca Magri, Imperial College London_
14:30 - Discussion
FROM: Sergey Lishchuk, TU Berlin, 04/10/2022
SUBJECT: IOP Advanced School in Liquids and Complex Fluids
DATE: 5-8 December 2022
DETAILS: This will take place at Sheffield Hallam University. The School
website is here [8]. Abstract submission deadline is 6/11/2022;
registration deadline is 20/11/2022.
FROM: Emiliano Renzi, Loughborough University, 28/09/2022
SUBJECT: Symposium in honour of Prof. F. Dias' 60th birthday
DATE: 27-29 October 2022
DETAILS: This 3-day symposium at Loughborough University is to celebrate
the work of Prof. Frederic Dias, who will turn 60 this year. Frederic is
an internationally leading mathematician who has given an outstanding
contribution to mathematical fluid dynamics in the past 30 years.
The Symposium is open to mathematicians and scientists interested in
applied mathematics to fluid dynamics. In-person attendance is limited
to 45 people, remote attendance via MS Teams is possible. More
information and booking may be found here [9].
FROM: Hassan Hemida, University of Birmingham, 22/09/2022
SUBJECT: 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and
Applications (BBAA9-2024)
DATE: July 2024
DETAILS: The return of the conference that never was. I am happy to
announce that the 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body
Aerodynamics and Applications will be hosted by the University of
Birmingham in July 2024, instead of the cancelled conference in 2020.
Formal announcements and more details are coming soon. For
pre-registration, email Hassan Hemida (h.hemida at bham.ac.uk).
FROM: Chris Ness, University of Edinburgh, 13/09/2022
SUBJECT: Formative Formulation 3 - an early career event for formulation
scientists in academia & industry
DATE: 9 December 2022, 08:30-16:00 GMT
DETAILS: Formulation scientists combine fluid mechanics, soft matter
physics and chemistry to generate valuable products from raw materials.
Formative Formulation 3 is a conference and networking event for EARLY
CAREER formulation scientists. It is a platform for sharing scientific
work and developing your professional network. The meeting will be held
at the University of Edinburgh; further details are here [10].
FROM: Dan Aspel, Isaac Newton Institute, 24/08/2022
SUBJECT: Winter School 'Mathematical theory and applications of multiple
wave scattering'
DATE: 9-13 January 2023
DETAILS: The Winter School aims to engage early career researchers
(research students and above) in the MWS programme. It will feature a
series of introductory lectures from prominent experts in the field of
multiple wave scattering, which will appeal to a broad span of
researchers, including engineers, physicists and mathematicians. There
will also be guest lectures from end-users/industry and group research
activities. Funding is available for those most in need. Deadline for
applications is 09/09/2022. Full details, including how to apply, may be
found on the meeting website [11]. There is also a poster for download
here [12].
FROM: Richard Fu (Northumbria) & Thomas Franke (Glasgow), 30/06/2022
SUBJECT: Acoustofluidic Conference 2022
DATE: 19-21 October 2022
DETAILS: https://www.acoustofluidics.net/.
FROM: Halim Kusumaatmaja, Bio-Inspired and Smart Surfaces, 22/09/2022
SUBJECT: Workshop on 'Bio-Inspired and Smart Surfaces' & ECR Event
DATE: 14-15 November 2022
DETAILS: Registration is open for the next SIG meeting to be held at
Durham University. Day 1 is dedicated to research talks from invited
speakers, as well as talk and poster contributions from Early Career
Researchers. Day 2 is dedicated to Early Career Researcher careers.
There will be 6-8 talks from academics and non-academics alike, to
ensure there is a breadth of career options covered, and dedicated time
for networking and informal discussions. More info on the meeting and
how to submit an abstract for a presentation can be found here [13].
Abstract deadline is 31/10/2022.
FROM: Svetlana Aleksandrova, Particulate Matter Filtration Flows,
SUBJECT: Invitation to speakers for next SIG meeting
DETAILS: Speakers are invited for the next meeting of Special Interest
Group on Particulate Matter Filtration Flows. This is expected to take
place at the University of Nottingham later this year (dates to be
confirmed). The focus of the meeting is going to be environmental
Particular Matter flows (in particular, in urban environments). If you
would like to present at the meeting, or would like us to invite someone
who works in this area, please contact Humberto Medina
(Humberto.Medina at nottingham.ac.uk) or myself (csy092 at coventry.ac.uk).
Please also contact me if you would like to be added to the SIG mailing
FROM: Ling Qian, Manchester Metropolitan University, 05/10/2022
SUBJECT: Fully funded PhD Studentship
TOPIC: Computational Modelling of Complex Wave Structure Interaction
CLOSING DATE: 21/10/2022. Contact L.Qian at mmu.ac.uk for informal
FROM: Abhishek Kumar, Coventry University, 04/10/2022
SUBJECT: PhD position for UK/International (including EU) graduates
TOPIC: Advanced stability of fusion-relevant liquid metal flows
DETAILS: Further information and application link here [14].
CLOSING DATE: 20/10/2022
FROM: Kirsty Wan, University of Exeter, 27/09/2022
SUBJECT: Fully-funded 4-year PhD Studentship (MRC GW4 BioMed DTP,
2023/24 entry)
TOPIC: Mapping pathogen transport and retention near ciliated surfaces
DETAILS: Apply here [15].
CLOSING DATE: 02/11/2022
FROM: Chris Stafford, University of Brighton, 22/09/2022
SUBJECT: Fully-funded PhD studentship (UK Residents)
TOPIC: Modelling the air induction process in a split cycle engine
DETAILS: https://bit.ly/3sJzEqq
CLOSING DATE: 30/10/2022
FROM: Chris Toomer, University of the West of England, 13/09/2022
SUBJECT: Fully Funded PhD Studentship (European/UK only)
TOPIC: Aerodynamic Digital Twin Development for Aircraft Validation and
CLOSING DATE: 09/10/2022
FROM: Jack King, University of Manchester, 12/08/2022
SUBJECT: Fully Funded PhD Studentship (European/UK only)
TOPIC: Accelerating mesh-free combustion simulations with machine
CLOSING DATE: Open till filled
FROM: Andy Woods, University of Cambridge, 06/07/2022
SUBJECT: PhD Opportunity at BP Institute
TOPIC: Modelling electrolysis and bubble growth dynamics
DETAILS: We are excited to announce a new PhD opportunity in modelling
the generation, growth and separation of bubbles from an electrode
during hydrogen generation by electrolysis. The PhD will involve
experimental and theoretical modelling to quantify the rate limiting
factors on the process.
CLOSING DATE: Contact andy at bpi.cam.ac.uk in the first instance. Please
apply through the University of Cambridge Board of Graduate Studies.
FROM: Ed Llewellin, Durham University, 24/06/2022
SUBJECT: 4-year PhD studentship in Mathematical Sciences DTP
TOPIC: Formation, maturation, and failure of viscosity-stabilized foams:
application to volcanic eruptions
DETAILS: https://bit.ly/phd-dur-volc-foam
CLOSING DATE: Email ed.llewellin at durham.ac.uk as soon as possible.
Starts Oct 2022.
FROM: Zhong-Nan Wang, University of Birmingham, 10/11/2021
SUBJECT: PhD Studentship
TOPIC: Data-Driven Analysis for Reducing Turbulence Noise using HiFi-CFD
DETAILS: https://bit.ly/3gGCHZF
CLOSING DATE: Open till filled
FROM: Vahid Niasar, University of Manchester, 22/09/2022
SUBJECT: 30-month PDRA position in Department of Chemical Engineering &
Analytical Science
TOPIC: Lattice-Boltzmann Modelling of CO2-Brine flow in porous media and
salt precipitation
CLOSING DATE: 24/10/2022
FROM: Rodrigo Ledesma Aguilar, University of Edinburgh, 16/09/2022
SUBJECT: Leverhulme funded PDRA on Experimental Interface Science &
TOPIC: Fluid Mechanics of Wettability-Patterned Liquid Surfaces
CLOSING DATE: 12/10/2022
FROM: Alistair Revell, University of Manchester, 22/09/2022
SUBJECT: Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow in Applied Aerodynamics
DETAILS: https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=23290.
A permanent academic position (equivalent to Lecturer/Research Fellow)
is available for an outstanding and ambitious individual to undertake
innovative research and knowledge exchange in Applied Aerodynamics
within the School of Engineering. We invite applications with a view to
start in January 2023. Please contact alistair.revell at manchester.ac.uk
for further details.
CLOSING DATE: 18/10/2022
FROM: Marco Pietropaoli, TOffeeAM, 18/08/2022
SUBJECT: Junior and Senior positions in (a) CFD and (b) Machine Learning
TOPIC: Additive Manufacturing
DETAILS: The following positions are available at TOffeeAM.
(a) CFD positions
Junior CFD Analyst / Software Developer [16], Senior CFD Analyst /
Software Developer [17]
Contact: m.pietropaoli at toffeeam.co.uk
(b) Machine Learning positions
Machine Learning Engineer [18], Senior Machine Learning Engineer [19]
Contact: a.gaymann at toffeeam.co.uk
CLOSING DATE: Open till filled
[2] https://www.mdpi.com/journal/actuators/special_issues/I7G5SHGX2A
[3] https://www.nature.com/collections/faighachji
[8] https://iop.eventsair.com/aslcf2022/
[9] https://placings.lboro.ac.uk/events/fd60/
[10] https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/74534/formative-formulation-3
[11] https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/mwsw05/
[12] https://fluids.ac.uk/files/MWS_winter_school.1660547682.pdf
[15] https://www.exeter.ac.uk/study/funding/award/?id=4514
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